
Showing 11–20 of 28 results

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    Dwarf Galen’s Yellow

    Dwarf Galen’s Yellow is a vigorous bushy potato leaf dwarf producing very high yields of very slightly oblate 1 ounce (on average) golden yellow colored cherry tomatoes with a balanced, sweet flavor. It is on average an early season variety.

  • Dwarf Jeremy’s Stripes

    Dwarf Jeremy’s Stripes is a regular leaf variety which produces a very heavy yield of round 2 ounce (on average) orange fruit with green stripes with an excellent, well balanced flavor.  Photo by Alexander Chumis

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    Dwarf Johnson’s Cherry

    Dwarf Johnson’s Cherry is an early-bearing, prolific, pleasantly flavored variety sure to please those looking for dwarf growing pink colored cherry tomatoes.

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    Dwarf Mandurang Moon

    Dwarf Mandurang Moon is an early to mid-season potato leaf dwarf that produces lots of oval shaped ivory colored 1-2 oz cherry tomatoes with an excellent, well balanced flavor.

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    Dwarf Marong Moon

    Dwarf Marong Moon produces ivory colored round cherry tomatoes on a regular, rugose-leaf dwarf plant with a pleasant, balanced flavor. It is an early fruiting productive variety.

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    Dwarf Mary’s Cherry

    Dwarf Mary’s Cherry is a midseason regular leaf dwarf, 2-3 oz round to slightly oblate purple fruit, high yielding and very flavorful.

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    Dwarf Melanie’s Ballet

    Dwarf Melanie’s Ballet is a midseason vigorous regular leaf dwarf that produces good quantities of 2-4 oz pink plum shaped tomatoes with an excellent flavor – one of the very first dwarf paste type tomatoes.

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    Dwarf Moby’s Cherry

    Dwarf Moby’s Cherry has regular leaf dwarf plants which produce excellent yields of large smooth yellow cherry tomatoes, in the 1-2 ounce range, with well balanced, delicious flavor and a texture perfect for grilling, salads and salsas. It should be considered as an early to mid-season variety.

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    Dwarf Moliagul Moon

    Dwarf Moliagul Moon is an early to mid season regular leaf dwarf plant that produced loads of 1-3 oz ivory cherry to oblate slicing type tomatoes with a well balanced, delicious flavor.

  • Dwarf Pink Opal

    Dwarf Pink Opal is a early to mid season regular leaf dwarf, variably sized cherry tomato ranging from 1-3 oz and pink in color, excellent yield and flavor. Photo by Heritage Tomato Seed.