
Showing 11–20 of 24 results

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    Dwarf Mystic Lady

    Dwarf Mystic Lady has potato leaf plants which produce lots of medium sized (4-6 oz)pink round tomatoes with a well balanced, pleasant flavor. It is considered a midseason variety.

  • Dwarf Peppermint Stripes

    Dwarf Peppermint Stripes is a mid to late season regular leaf dwarf, 8-12 oz round to slightly oblate green fruit with light and dark green and pink stripes, green flesh with some pink marbling, high yielding and delicious.  Photo by Alexander Chumis

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    Dwarf Pink Livija

    Dwarf Pink Livija  has potato leaf dwarf plants that produce excellent mid to late season yields of smooth medium to medium large (4-10 ounces) oblate pink fruit possessing a delightful balanced flavor.

  • Dwarf Pink Opal

    Dwarf Pink Opal is a early to mid season regular leaf dwarf, variably sized cherry tomato ranging from 1-3 oz and pink in color, excellent yield and flavor. Photo by Heritage Tomato Seed.

  • Dwarf Pink Passion

    Dwarf Pink Passion is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces heart shaped medium sized fruit that ripen to a crimson pink color. The flavor is well balanced and sweet, and the variety is very prolific. Photo by Tatiana Kouchnareva.

  • Dwarf Snakebite

    Dwarf Snakebite has regular leaf dwarf plants which produce very good yields of medium large smooth pink fruit with a well balanced, delicious flavor. It should be considered as a medium-late variety.  Photo by Alexander Chumis

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    Dwarf Zoe’s Sweet

    Dwarf Zoe’s Sweet is a chartreuse-colored taller potato leaf dwarf with medium to large oblate pink fruit (6-12 ounces) and decided to name it Zoe’s Sweet, after his beloved black lab. The flavor is on the sweet side, and the texture is as meaty as its parent, Mortgage Lifter.

  • Mallee Rose

    Mallee Rose​ is a mid-season rugose regular leaf dwarf producing abundant medium-large 6 – 10 oz oblate pink fruit which are sweet with a meaty juicy texture. Plants reach about a metre+/ 3-4 ft by end of season and become heavy with fruit requiring staking. Photo by Patrina.

  • Rosella Crimson

    Rosella Crimson is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to a crimson pink color. The flavor is well balanced and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Patrina.

  • Sweet Adelaide

    Sweet Adelaide is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to a crimson pink color. The flavor is well balanced, on the sweet side, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Patrina.