
Showing 11–17 of 17 results

  • Placeholder

    Dwarf Numbat

    Dwarf Numbat has  medium small round tomatoes which resemble the parent Green Zebra, being striped gold and green on the outside, with green, tart, tasty flesh. It is very prolific and a mid-season variety.

  • Dwarf Parfait

    Dwarf Parfait is a potato leaf variety which produces lots of medium to large (6-12 oz) clear skinned, green fleshed tomatoes with a distinct orange core with a well balanced, delightful flavor. It is considered a mid- to late-season variety. Photo by Alexander Chumis

  • Dwarf Peppermint Stripes

    Dwarf Peppermint Stripes is a mid to late season regular leaf dwarf, 8-12 oz round to slightly oblate green fruit with light and dark green and pink stripes, green flesh with some pink marbling, high yielding and delicious.  Photo by Alexander Chumis

  • Dwarf Saucy Mary

    Dwarf Saucy Mary is an early mid-season regular leaf dwarf, produces loads of 4-6 oz Roma-shaped green fleshed when ripe tomatoes fruit with dark and light green stripes, excellent yield and very flavorful. Photo by Heritage Tomato Seed.

  • Kangaroo Paw Green

    Kangaroo Paw Green is an early-season regular leaf dwarf and a sibling of Kangaroo Paw Yellow, Kangaroo Paw Brown and Kangaroo Paw Red. The plants yield abundant small round amber fruits with green flesh when ripe, and they have a sweet refreshing taste. Photo by Patrina.

  • Summertime Green

    Summertime Green is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces slightly oblate medium to large fruit that ripen with green flesh and clear skin. The flavor is well balanced and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Tatiana Kouchnareva.

  • Uluru Ochre

    Uluru Ochre is an early to mid-season regular leaf variety with an unusual orange-green ochre tone to the ripe tomatoes. It was selected and named by Patrina after the giant monolithic rock in central Australia. Photo by Patrina.