Northern Hemisphere

Showing 121–130 of 136 results

  • Summer Sunrise

    Summer Sunrise is a potato leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large sized fruit that ripen to bright yellow with a distinct pink blossom end blush. The flavor is intense, well balanced and sweet. Photo by Tatiana Kouchnareva.

  • Summer Sweet Gold

    Summer Sweet Gold is a potato leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to bright yellow, some with a pale pink blossom end. Summer Sweet Gold is a reselection of Summertime Gold for traits closer to the original selection. Photo by Patrina.

  • Summertime Gold

    Summertime Gold is a potato leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium fruit that ripen to very pale yellow with a pink blush. The flavor is well balanced and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Patrina.

  • Summertime Green

    Summertime Green is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces slightly oblate medium to large fruit that ripen with green flesh and clear skin. The flavor is well balanced and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Tatiana Kouchnareva.

  • Sweet Adelaide

    Sweet Adelaide is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to a crimson pink color. The flavor is well balanced, on the sweet side, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Patrina.

  • Sweet Scarlet Dwarf

    Sweet Scarlet Dwarf is a potato leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen scarlet red. The flavor is intense and delicious with perfect balance. Photo by Heritage Tomato Seed.

  • Tanunda Red

    Tanunda Red is a mid-season rugose regular leaf dwarf with prolific medium-large 6 – 10 oz oblate rich red tomatoes. Plants reach around a metre+ / 3-4 ft by end of season. Photo by Patrina.

  • Tasmanian Chocolate

    Tasmanian Chocolate is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium fruit that ripen to brownish brick red color. The flavor is well balanced, mild and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Patrina.

  • TastyWine

    TastyWine is a potato leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to a rose crimson hue. The flavor is well balanced and delicious, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Tatiana Kouchnareva.

  • Tennessee Suited

    Tennessee Suited is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to a dusky rose purple hue with green vertical stripes. The flavor is well balanced, rich and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Ted Maiden.